Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Perfect Mate

I've decided that I want a TV husband like the ones on dramas with female protagonists. And I'm not talking Darrin from Bewitched or Ricky from I Love Lucy. I want the ones who let their wives go out and take on the bad guys while they clean, cook and take care of the kids. These guys are angels!

If you've ever seen an episode of Medium or Ghost Whisperer, you'll know what I'm talking about. Both of the female leads are up half the night being visited by ghosts and then compelled to go investigate. Meanwhile, the husbands wait patiently at home, ostensibly going back to sleep so that they're functional at work the next day. (Although on Medium, Joe was unemployed for a while, so I suppose he could have come back home and napped after taking the kids to school.) There's no bitching about the girls being out all night or not pulling their share of the household chores or not spending enough time with the kids.

Which would be perfect for me. While I don't have kids yet, I do have a houseful of critters who need attention, which results in the house needing attention and a job that doesn't seem to know how to tell time. (Are all those 3 a.m. emails really necessary????) So sometimes I think a Stepford husband would be awesome. Maybe I'll just call CBS and NBC and ask them to send me Joe and/or Jim when Allison and Melinda are through with them.

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