Tuesday, January 5, 2010


While I'm more than happy to say goodbye to 2009 (which was a "challenging" year to say the least), I'm still not quite feeling the Happy New Year sentiment just yet.

Maybe it's because I didn't quite get around to making my New Year's resolutions. They're usually more like goals for me -- stuff like "Lose 30 pounds by November." I was advised by someone whose counsel I trust that these are really tactics that roll up into bigger desires, like "feel good about myself." And that identifying those broader ideals would motivate me to actually keep the resolutions.

So I spent some time trying to figure out what those bigger desires are and got stuck, and eventually decided that it would be much more fun to take my dogs on a walk.

And I think that's what the problem is. I'm good with tactical stuff. I know what I want. I'm self-actualized enough to know why I want it, but not intellectual enough to care.

Bottom line -- I'm going back to my old "goals" or whatever you want to call them. At least I'll feel some sense of accomplishment.

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